Version 1.1.2 Release! Issues Addressed!

Hello everyone! Today this late at night (1:00 AM!!!) I am proud to announce that Noel and the Tower of Doom v1.1.2 is finally out! This update fixes many of the issues you have all been having about the game, most notably the racism accusations involving the sprite of Punchy. Rest be assured that Punchy's design, as well as all the designs of every last one of the Delusionary Beasts, have been drastically changed and updated for this new version of the game. Along with that, a streamer-friendly gamemode has been added appropriately called "Streamer Mode" that replaces the game's copyrighted OST with terrible acapella covers of each of the songs. It's recommended that if you play on Streamer Mode that you turn off the music entirely so you're ears don't bleed and you don't die from cringe. Play some cool music in the background, IDK. Do streamers even play with the music on? In my experience they don't, so yeah.

Anyways, here is the list of new additions, changes, and bugfixes made to the game. Enjoy.

Noel and the Tower of Doom 1.1.2 Changelog

New Features

-Added in "Streamer Mode" which removes all copyrighted songs from the game and replaces them with covers.

-Added a content warning at the beginning of the game.


-Changed the designs of all of the delusionary beasts to better match their "canon" counterparts. This includes Punchy, Bubbles, Blake, Angelica, Wild, The Child, Magistrate, and their EX Forms.

-The sprite for Magus-Eos has been updated.

-Dialogue has been updated throughout the game, adding in new jokes, lengthening certain scenes, and adding additional context.


-Many spelling errors have been fixed.

-Seeing the secret Nyako event no longer crashes the game.

-The true ending now actually teleports you to the true ending screen instead of repeating the true final boss infinitely.

-You can now visit THE GATE when entering the hidden door instead of the hidden door just teleporting you to the next floor.

-Fixed bug where a removed song from the OST would attempt to play during the good ending and crash the game.


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50 days ago

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